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Are you dreaming of a home makeover but worried about the cost? You’re not alone. In fact, while budget is the most important aspect of the design process, most folks don’t know what their budget is, or are too embarrassed to share it, or are hesitant to say they are looking for affordable interior design.

No worries. We’ve made our mark working within our clients’ budgets, even when they’re small, so we’ve learned a lot about maximizing design without breaking the bank. Ready to get our secrets? Here are our top affordable interior design tips to transform your space:

Embrace Minimalism

Sure, minimalism is a design style, but it’s also a smart way to save. By reducing clutter and focusing on a ‘less is more’ approach, your space feels larger and more open, and you’ll save on unnecessary furnishings. Minimalist interiors require fewer pieces, so you can invest in quality within your budget.

Photo: Better Homes & Gardens

DIY Custom Solutions 

Personal touches make a home. DIY projects can be a cost-effective way to customize your space. Hand-painted wall art, refurbished furniture, and hand-dipped candles are just some projects that add unique character to your home without a high price tag. 

Photo: Amazon

Affordable and Eco-Friendly: Shop Second-Hand

Want two for the price of one? It’s no secret that thrifting is budget-friendly and that vintage pieces add charm and character to any space, often at a fraction of the cost of new items. But have you considered how much it also helps the environment by reducing the use of natural resources? If you want to protect your wallet and the planet at the same time, consider buying your interior decor second-hand.

Photo: Good Housekeeping

Opt for Multipurpose Furniture

Get more bang for your buck! With the rise of multi-gen households that need to maximize functionality for many purposes and age groups, the need for furniture that works in more ways than one has also become popular. Items like ottomans, or coffee tables with storage, sofa beds, and extendable tables (used for desk space and dining) allow you to maximize usage without purchasing additional furniture pieces.

Photo: Article

Play with Paint

Never underestimate the power of paint. An affordable can of paint can completely transform a space. Maybe go for a bold accent wall—we know it’s one of Betsy’s no-nos, but so many clients still like an accent wall—or a complete color overhaul. A fresh coat of paint is one of the most cost-effective ways to make a significant impact in a room.

Photo: HGTV

Affordable Interiors Incorporate Plants

Adding greenery is a simple and inexpensive way to breathe life into a room. Plants enhance the aesthetic of your home and improve mood and air quality. Choose low-maintenance plants like succulents, English ivy, or snake plants that thrive indoors for a touch of nature that is beautiful and beneficial. 

Photo: Better Homes & Gardens

Affordable interior design is all about creativity, strategic choices, and personal touches. At Uploft, we’re committed to helping you create a space that feels both luxurious and attainable, no matter your budget. 

Start transforming your home today with these expert tips, or connect with our design team for a complimentary consult for professional guidance.

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